Sunday, April 15, 2007
Very soon!
Well, I will be home in about 3 weeks. I can’t wait! I have started to think about all the things I need to get done before I come home…and it is quite overwhelming. Because I’m bringing Togo home with me, there is so much I have to take care of with him. I am praying that things will go smoothly with the airline. While we are in Accra on the way back from WAMR, we will be getting things all ready. I am starting to make “lists” of all the things I need to take care of in order to even start packing. I have never really been a list person, but then again, I’ve never lived in Africa either so - why not start. Right? Anyway, I found out that I will be taking the same flight that Brett and April took recently - the direct flight from Accra, Ghana to JFK. I am very glad that it is a direct flight to the U.S. because it eliminates some of the hassle by not having to go through Europe. However, the Emersons informed me that their flight from JFK to Atlanta was canceled due to weather, so I have started looking for hotels that will allow pets just in case my flight to Nashville is canceled. I am trying to be prepared for as many things as possible. Please pray that things go smoothly with the flight as well as getting Togo out of Africa and through customs in New York. I am also busy getting everyone presents to bring back with me. Most of my family is all finished. I just have friends to buy for now. I have to confess - every time I find a present that I think it perfect, I end up wanting it myself. SO…I have to find another present. This is starting to become a problem since I only have so much room. I’m going to have to figure out where to find some self-discipline.
This past Thursday for prayer time, we hiked back to a waterfall in Baffilo.
We left Kara and drove for about 25 minutes, parked the car, and hiked about 15 min. back to the water. As we were getting closer to the water, it was getting more and more jungley looking. You could feel the temperature drop when we got closer to the water. We had to climb over quite a few rocks and boulders to finally get to the water, but it felt so cool and relaxing
(minus the bugs that were everywhere). We read the story in John about Jesus and the Samaritian woman at the well and then prayed. I took a few pictures of the waterfall and after figuring out how to work the timer on my camera, got a picture of all three of us. It was perfect because we have had just enough rain that everything has started to turn green and there was just enough water for the waterfall. It was such a fun time and a great bonding time for us!

Apple Pie
This week has proved to be rather challanging. The water has shut off twice since Thursday, the internet has been extremely slow when it actually does work, and the power is currently off. I have decided that living here automatically puts your "stress-o-meter" up to red. Then any of the what you would call "normal" happenings of living here just push you over the edge each and everytime they occur. Pleasant - don't you think?
On Friday of last week, Elijah was very sick, so Dave took him down to a hospital four hours away (he is much better now). At that point, their car was the only vehicle working until later that afternoon. So, we couldn't have school that day. I went over and hung out with the Rieses. Oh, the water had also been out since Thursday afternoon on my side of town, which made life so much fun - NOT! Anyway, so I went over there and took a shower and had lunch and dinner with them. While I was there, Tracey and I were dicussing dinner and she asked me what I
wanted for dessert. Jokingly, I said, "Apple pie!!" To my surprise she said that sounded good as long as I was willing to peel the apples. No problem! So, I made the "apples" part of the pie and she made the crust. It turned out to tastes amazing. I had to take a picture! It was really hot that day, not much different than every other day, and we had been in the kitchen cooking. It was totally worth it though! :)

Wednesday, April 11, 2007
All Church Retreat
On Sunday, I had the privilage of attending the All Church Retreat for all the
churches in Kabiyeland. It was such an encouragement to be at that service on Sunday. The retreat lasted the whole weekend and all the men on the team stayed out in the host village, Soumdina Po Wayi, with the Christians. We came out on Sunday morning to worship with them. The service started at 8:00am, or something like that, and went until about 11:30 or so. Of the 18 Churches that have been planted here, 17 were represented by atleast 1 person. It was such a joy seeing that many Christians in one place, united for one purpose. Please keep praying for all the Churches in Kabiyeland.
I took so many pictures and I look forward to showing them to you!
The first picture is doing the worship time. The second picture is a picture that Becky took of Caden and me.

I took so many pictures and I look forward to showing them to you!

Friday, April 6, 2007
Togo update

I thought everyone might want to see an updated picture of Togo, the dog. He is growing so fast. It's a good thing we are coming home soon because soon he'll be too big to fit in a crate on the air plane! He now loves to be outside a lot. He stayed outside the whole time I was gone to Benin and when we go to Ghana for the retreat, he'll stay outside again. He knows how to sit and lay down now and we're working on "shake". He is loving the doggy forturn cookie treats and we both are loving the new shampoo (thanks Wendy). He loves to play with the kids at recess and if he's lucky, he gets some of their lunches that they don't eat. He is also finding out that he can choose whether to obey me or not so he has gotten a few spankings. All for the better though!! Over all he's a great dog and it's really good to have him around. In May you can see him in person!!!! You'll love him!
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Long Time Gone...
You know the song by The Dixie Chicks “Long time Gone”? Well, think of that song while you read this post. Heheh - sorry it’s been so long.
Hello to all. I apologize for the long time of updating my blog. The internet costs me a little over $1/30 min. SO…..naturally I don’t have a lot of time be online. The great people of Illico (the internet company here) had a few people complaining that they didn’t have enough money for the whole monthly payment. So, they decided to make a “card” system where you can buy prepaid internet cards from them and be charged per ½ hour. We went in and made a suggestion of having TWO plans where you can either have unlimited access to a montly fee or buy a card. Hasn’t changed yet - All you can say is “it’s Africa” and move on. Me being the genius that I am, did not think about writing my blog and then copying and pasting it into the actual blog when I’m on line the next time (thank you Brett and April). So, this is me FINALLY posting J
Lots has happened since I’ve posted last. I’ll just start listing some of the highlights in no particular order…
1. Togo is growing leaps and bounds!
2. I am coming home May 24th. - looking for a job….anybody know of one?
3. The internet continues to frustrate me.
4. E-mails have gotten shorter in length and longer between waiting times.
5. Made a mini-vacation to Benin (legally this time) and stayed at a Beach resort at Casa Del Papa.
6. Emerson’s car is broken - all piled in 2 cars for a VERY long rode trip to Benin.
7. Lome’ City Mart had Cream Soda, A&W Rootbeer, Oreos, and Cheetos cheese balls - definitely stocked up (see picture).
8. Bought Oreo cookies for $4.50 - shut up, you would have too!
9. Received packages that are AMAZING!!!!!
10. Excited and totally ready to come home!!!!!
We have 3 weeks of school then we’re all headed down to Ghana for the West African Missionary Retreat at Coconut Grove for a week. Then it’s 1 week of school and then Togo and I are headed down to Accra to come home! We can’t wait to see you guys! Plus, I get to see New York for the first time (Are you jealous Cheri???) - even if it is only from a plane.
Hello to all. I apologize for the long time of updating my blog. The internet costs me a little over $1/30 min. SO…..naturally I don’t have a lot of time be online. The great people of Illico (the internet company here) had a few people complaining that they didn’t have enough money for the whole monthly payment. So, they decided to make a “card” system where you can buy prepaid internet cards from them and be charged per ½ hour. We went in and made a suggestion of having TWO plans where you can either have unlimited access to a montly fee or buy a card. Hasn’t changed yet - All you can say is “it’s Africa” and move on. Me being the genius that I am, did not think about writing my blog and then copying and pasting it into the actual blog when I’m on line the next time (thank you Brett and April). So, this is me FINALLY posting J
Lots has happened since I’ve posted last. I’ll just start listing some of the highlights in no particular order…
1. Togo is growing leaps and bounds!
2. I am coming home May 24th. - looking for a job….anybody know of one?

3. The internet continues to frustrate me.
4. E-mails have gotten shorter in length and longer between waiting times.
5. Made a mini-vacation to Benin (legally this time) and stayed at a Beach resort at Casa Del Papa.
6. Emerson’s car is broken - all piled in 2 cars for a VERY long rode trip to Benin.
7. Lome’ City Mart had Cream Soda, A&W Rootbeer, Oreos, and Cheetos cheese balls - definitely stocked up (see picture).
8. Bought Oreo cookies for $4.50 - shut up, you would have too!
9. Received packages that are AMAZING!!!!!
10. Excited and totally ready to come home!!!!!
We have 3 weeks of school then we’re all headed down to Ghana for the West African Missionary Retreat at Coconut Grove for a week. Then it’s 1 week of school and then Togo and I are headed down to Accra to come home! We can’t wait to see you guys! Plus, I get to see New York for the first time (Are you jealous Cheri???) - even if it is only from a plane.
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