Yesterday we went up to Beaver Mountain to ski. I have to admit, it is not the greatest talent that I possess; however, the kids absolutely love it when I go. So, we got all our equipment and headed up to the mountain. I ended up skiing for about 1/2 the day and watched the kids the rest of the time. It was so much fun to watch them zip down the mountain. Cameron got a new snow board for his birthday/Christmas so he spent the whole day learning how to ride it! It's funny, the kids talent definitely makes you humble and realize how fast kids learn and definitely how flexible they can be. For example, Holly would crash and burn and pop right back up without even flinching (that's with ice skating as well). I am a different story, although I did not fall while skiing yesterday (a miracle) I did fall while ice skating on Monday night. It did not go well. I'm still very sore! Anyway, I took a few pictures of us skiing yesterday and I thought they would be fun to share!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Visiting the Pirtles!
I left on Saturday morning, REALLY early, to come and visit the Pirtles here in Utah. Tanya came to pick me up at the airport and then we spent most of the day shopping for the kids' Christmas presents. When we came back home the kids were so excited. We watching the Saints game and got to chat some with Diane, Mark and Aaron. This morning we were getting ready to head out to worship and I asked Tanya to take a picture of Aubrey and I because I was wearing my new scarf that Natalie got me for Christmas. I'm not generally in to accessorizing, mostly because I don't really know how to make it look right, but this scarf is really pretty and really nice. And my "besty" gave it to me!!! The truth is if I knew how to accessorize I probably would more. Someone will have to teach me (wink wink) Anyway, I didn't want to be in the picture by myself so Aubrey got in on it! So, here's a "shout out" to Natalie.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Short but Sweet!!
I went to Matt and Lori's house for a really quick visit. We don't have practice for basketball this week because of final exams on Thursday and Friday, so I was able to leave pretty early from school. I got here in time for dinner and a little play time with Eli before he ate and went to bed. It's amazing how much he has changed and grown in such a short period of time. I just saw him 2 weeks ago, and it's been too long. Matt was reading him a book tonight and he was so focused on each page. I think he even tried to turn the page once! He's just gifted! Anyway, enjoy some of the pictures I took during my visit!
Friday, December 4, 2009
Visiting Eeooch!!!
I got a visit from Gloria and Elayna on Thursday night!!! It has been so much fun to have them here. They got here in time to go to my basketball games on Thursday night. We lost but Elayna totally didn't notice because apparently she was sitting up at the top of the bleachers signing my name the whole time!!! She was shaking her hands so fast I think it would be comparable to screaming at me...only in sign language :) I wish I could have seen it. I was too busy screaming "block out" and "get low" and "don't foul" and "where's your girl". Anyway, they came to eat lunch at school with me today. Elayna (and Gloria) got to see where Eeooch teaches and meet a lot of my kids and my friends I talk about all the time. Elayna was the focus of lunch with the 7th grade teachers!!! I was proud :) I'm not sure who was more excited, Elayna or my kids. When I got home today, Gloria had cleaned my house and started dinner! I decided I need to get a "stay at home" husband. It's so nice to come home to someone here and the house busy! Here are some pictures of our visit :)
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
First of Many....
This morning (day 1 of Thanksgiving break) Diane brought Aaron over so I could keep him and Elijah while she and Lori went and got their hair cut. Matt was holding Eli while he was working so I got a cute daddy/son picture :) Before Lori and Diane left, Aaron and Elayna decided to have a "cousin moment". Eli was having some sleeping time. We'll definitely have some "all in" cousin time very soon! Enjoy the cute pictures cute babies!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
College Night
Since living here in Gallatin, God continues to bring people in my life that show me HIM! Teaching at Shafer has been such a blessing in countless ways, but one of those blessings that stands out to me is one of my co-workers that has become a great friend. She and I are "about" the same age and absolutely have the same philosophy of what seems to be everything. From teaching to religion, we always find ourselves being "on the same page". The cool thing is that I teach and Reading and she teaches English. We have almost all the same kids, so it has given us a great opportunity to work together in so many ways. Honestly, she reminds me of Diane in so many ways it's like having my sister right down the hall from me. Anyway, we started hanging out every Wednesday night. Sometimes just for fun and sometimes to do work. Although, many times we mix work with fun :) This past Wednesday we decided to take it back "old school" and have a "college day" so that we could get some paperwork finished for school. I wanted to take more pictures of us with our laptops, sitting on the couch, listening to music, and hard at work. BUT, since we were working so hard, we forgot to take any pictures of us and I only got pictures at the beginning of the night.....and it's only the snacks. Because, you HAVE to have snacks for your college night! Right? Natalie has been such a breathe of fresh air for me and a great friend! Enjoy the pictures :)
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Log Cabin
I thought I would put some pictures of my parents log cabin. I have gone home that past few weekends to help them work on the house and it seems like it changes so much every day now. Last weekend mom and I got a TON of the painting done. We just have the bathrooms and one of the bedrooms upstairs and it's finished. This past weekend I went back home and we planted all the "shrubbery" that she had gotten. We planted for 12 hours on Saturday, and then I grouted some of the tile in the kitchen all afternoon today (Sunday). I just did the places where the cabinets will go because he is coming on Tuesday. Needless to say, my hands have a few blisters and my body feels like I've been bent in funny positions....but it has totally been worth it! Mom and dad are so proud of the work we have gotten done :) Here are a few pictures of the house so far.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Best Picture
Last week, Diane and Aaron stopped by for a visit on their way to pick Mark up at the airport. We went to eat at a wings place and then stopped by Starbucks! While Diane was getting our coffee, I showed Aaron around so he could appreciate the finer things in life - COFFEE!!!! Here's a picture that we took together!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Weekend with the Boys
I went to Matt and Lori's for the Halloween weekend. Mark and Diane came too so I get a weekend with my two boys! Of course, as soon as I got here the pictures started so I figured I should probably start putting up pictures now before my camera gets full! :) We have already had a great time all together (except for Gloria and Elayna) and there is much more to come (Halloween costumes). Aaron also tried rice cereal for the second time only it was totally successful this time. It was so much fun to be there and get to help Diane with it. He also started experimenting with a sippy cup, which was also a very positive experience. Enjoy some GREAT pictures of Eli and Aaron!!!
Aaron trying Rice Cereal
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Here kitty kitty kitty....
What if you had to limit your cat's TV intake? Seriously, everytime I turn on the TV my cat runs at lighting speed to watch the little people dance around on the screen. Naturally, being the good mother that I am, I got it on camera.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
I should be...
Well, I should be grading my kids' tests. Atleast that's what a good teacher would be doing. BUT, what am I doing??? I am watching NBA basketball and updating my blog about one of my nephews. Which, you have to admit is way more fun than grading. I'll be visiting with both of them AT THE SAME TIME for Halloween this weekend so just be preparing yourself :) Anyway, just thought I'd show you cute pictures of Aaron and me.

Monday, October 19, 2009
Have you seen something this cute??
I have to say, one of the cool things about being an aunt is having the right to take as many pictures of your neice and nephews as you want. I think I have about 4 different folders for each neice/nephew. Kinda ridculous but...anyway, while I was at my parent's house for part of fall break I decided to take as many pictures of Elayna as possible. Mom has this wood horse that was made by a man in the church at Melber. It's "child size". So, Elayna LOVES to ride it. So I LOVE to take her picture while she LOVES to ride it. So you get to LOVE watching her LOVE to ride the horse.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Does anyone know where my voice went???
I went home for my neice's birthday last Saturday. I felt really good till about Saturday afternoon and everything went down hill from there. I stayed sick the rest of the weekend. Drove back to Gallatin and was home sick until Thursday. I decided to blame it all on my kids. I think they took all their symptoms, balled them up, and sent them to me in Kentucky. So, there I was, laid up, sick FOREVER! I went to school on Thursday because I was feeling some better and ended up loosing my voice on Thursday night. I have just now started to find it again but I'm trying not to push it because I don't want to loose it again. On a positive note, my dog and my cat LOVED having me home for 3 days in a row. They went through withdrawls on Thursday and Friday.
There's my update. I don't have any fun pictures for you.
There's my update. I don't have any fun pictures for you.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
More Travels!!!
I went an yet another journey of visiting both nephews this weekend. And I must say there are two great things about my travels: 1 - I love living close enough to go visit both nephews in the same weekend. 2 - I only have 1 hr and 15 min to drive to get home. Could life get any better????

Abby and I (Olivia stayed home this time) left Saturday morning and went to Mark and Diane's house. We went hiking all day Saturday with Joel and Andrea and came back to eat dinner at the house. After dinner, I took off toward Matt and Lori's house to spend the night and worship with them for Eli's first Sunday!! It was great to be apart of that. I have included pictures of the various activities this weekend and also a picture of Abby and my new cat, Olivia. Enjoy! :)
Saturday, September 5, 2009
My Two Nephews
Over the long weekend, I went to stay with Diane and Mark. We went up to see Eli in Cookville and we took some really fun pictures. I keep thinking I could not have had a better birthday present than a new nephew. Here are some pictures that we took. Eli and Lori are doing WONDERFUL and he looks just like Lori! He's beautiful!!! I already miss him and I'll see him again tomorrow :) Enjoy the pictures....
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Elijah David Phillips
Here is my new nephew. He was 7 lbs 14 oz and 20 inches long. Here are some pictures for your enjoyment. He needed a little oxygen and monitoring. But he is doing fine.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
A weekend visit!
One of the great things about living here in Gallatin is being able to go and visit my nephew ANY TIME I WANT!!! So, this past weekend, I did! He seems to grow soooo fast! I took lots of pictures for your enjoyment. I went with the intention of staying one night and stayed the whole weekend. Imagine that. Shocking I know. Anyway, I came back Sunday night entirely too late but loved every minute of it. Aaron is smiling almost all the time now. He absolutely will steal your heart away in a second! Enjoy the pictures!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
New Apartment and a New Job
I am now living in Gallatin, TN in my new apartment. I love it. My WHOLE family came down and helped me move in. Now that I'm only a little over and hour to both Mark and Diane and Matt and Lori they can come for just a visit! :) We got me all moved in on Saturday and I have been trying to decorate ever since. For those of you who know my skills in out! It seems like every day is a busy day for me. I had meetings at school yesterday and I have one again this Friday. I'm going to be working on my classroom a lot this week so maybe I can spend a few days at the trail ride this summer. We'll see. I have A LOT to do on my classroom. I think I'm going to go with the "survival" theme. I'm really looking for to the idea. Gotta reorient myself to the middle school mind again! I"m excited.
Gloria and I made it all the was across the U.S. in one piece. Really it wasn't a bad trip even with all the animals. We got to visit with the Pirtles for all of 24 hours. Which wasn't long enough for any of us but beggers can't be choosers. We actually did the trip in 4 days which is stinking amazing with 2 cats, a puppy, and a 10 month old baby.
I have included some new pictures of my nephew and niece. They met for the first time this weekend! I get to go to Lori's ultrasound today so I'll get to see my 2nd nephew the womb! :)
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Deployed, Packed, Ready to Go...
Today marks a different kind of day. Ryan left early this morning. Gloria and I have the "container" all packed and ready for storage. We're finishing up some last minute things and then we're taking off in the morning. It seems like things are in slow motion right now - especially for Gloria. Acutally the day is going about like we thought it would. Very sad and full of emotion but she seems to be taking it in much as you can when your husband leaves for a year to go to "work". She is keeping herself busy with packing and taking care of her daughter. Elayna keeps saying "dada, dada, dada" over and over again. Which is probably a unconcious thing for her since she is just learning her sounds right now, but it is always followed up by Gloria saying, "Could we come up with a different word for right now". Very cute but gut-wrenching at the same time. I would say both are doing well and staying busy.
Last night, Ryan wanted to take Elayna swimming. It was her first time swimming and he didn't want to miss it. I have posted some pictures for your enjoyment. My next post will be while we are "on the road" so stayed tuned.
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