I've learned that time is a funny thing. Whenever I think about the last year things to have moved sooooo fast! But then I think about everything I still have to accomplish in the next few months ahead and it seems like it's taking forever to get there. For example, I can't believe that my 2nd year of teaching is almost over. It seems like I just started in a lot of ways. It also seems like time is dragging on. The benchmark is coming up sooner than I'm ready for and I am in constant prayer and thought about the test and my kids. I'm also waiting on TWO little miracles to come into the world and that's taking forever! On the other hand it's hard to believe that we are already at the age of having babies. I'm sure Diane and Lori are more anxious than I am, seeing as they are the ones actually having the babies but it sounds better when I write it! :)
I got a new phone today. Of course I've already entered all my phone numbers and taken a few pictures. It's a fun new toy to play with at least for a few hours anyway!
Abby is growing by the minute and enjoying herself. She is still chewing up EVERYTHING she can find. Seems like everything I give her to chew on she doesn't like and everything I want to keep away from her she is uncontrollably attracted to. Figures! Sorry I don't have a picture for you. I keep forgetting to bring my camera home from work.
I have been seriously contemplating moving to the Nashville area. Both Matt and Diane live about 45 min. to an hour away from Nashville and since they are both getting ready to parents it's all I can do to be away from there. So I figured, why try? I have started the paperwork to get my TN license and started looking at schools around suburbs of Nashville. Hopefully I will be able to get a job pretty quickly. It's bitter sweet for me because I really do LOVE my job here in AR. Augusta has been a great first job for me and I am really torn about leaving. I am going to continue to pray about it and see what doors God opens for me.
I got a new phone today. Of course I've already entered all my phone numbers and taken a few pictures. It's a fun new toy to play with at least for a few hours anyway!

Abby is growing by the minute and enjoying herself. She is still chewing up EVERYTHING she can find. Seems like everything I give her to chew on she doesn't like and everything I want to keep away from her she is uncontrollably attracted to. Figures! Sorry I don't have a picture for you. I keep forgetting to bring my camera home from work.
I have been seriously contemplating moving to the Nashville area. Both Matt and Diane live about 45 min. to an hour away from Nashville and since they are both getting ready to parents it's all I can do to be away from there. So I figured, why try? I have started the paperwork to get my TN license and started looking at schools around suburbs of Nashville. Hopefully I will be able to get a job pretty quickly. It's bitter sweet for me because I really do LOVE my job here in AR. Augusta has been a great first job for me and I am really torn about leaving. I am going to continue to pray about it and see what doors God opens for me.