I know I haven't blogged in a while. All I have to say is one word - BENCHMARK! There is about 15 days until the big test and my kids are working really hard. I'm really proud of them.
Anyway!!! I decided to write a little about the events of last weekend. I took a personal day and met Diane (and Jerry David), Lori (who also took a personal day), and Ninja Andrea (and her baby Adian) in Murfressburo, TN to go baby registering. If that is even a word....We went to go register for baby stuff. You get the picture. So we had an absolute blast! We looked for and found everything that you could possible find that had any relation to a baby. We went to Walmart first but discovered that there registery was broken. SO - we decided to go to Target and then try another Walmart, after stopping off too eat of course. Can't you just picture me with 2 pregnant women and one with a 4 month old. We really did have a lot of fun, and I actually think we got everything registered for that Diane wanted. I wish I had a picture for you but we didn't take any. Sorry. Our focus was pretty much baby...baby...FOOD...baby....STARBUCKS (Lori)....and baby.