Wrapping up my time in Searcy is a bittersweet feeling. I am sad to be leaving everyone here. Yesterday at school we had a "reading slumber party". It was one of the most enjoyable days I've had at school since....ever. My kids did really great. I will miss them like crazy! I invited some people to come read to my kids at various times during the year. I asked the reading coaches to come read and I also read aloud to them throughout the day. One of my visitors was particularly memorable for me. One of my teachers and great friend from Harding, Cheri Smith, came and read a book to my kids. She and I have become very good friends since I was her GA during grad school and I dread saying "goodbye" to her...again! Anyway, I invited her to read a book to my kids. I had been in her class at Harding but I had never actually seen her "do" the things she taught. God never fails to teach me new lessons, the older I get. Or maybe I'm just now seeing the lessons. It seems like I always get the best lessons when I'm not expecting it. A rare thing in the education field is when you get to actually see your teacher teach the kids that she taught you to teach. (Clear as mud right?) Anyway, I got to sit with my kids while she read a book aloud to them. I think I learned more watching her for 20 minutes yesterday then I've learned about teaching children all year. It was such a privilage to be there, and I will cherish that for the rest of my life. First of all, it was a great learning experience for me as far as my career. Secondly, I got to see my mentor and friend do what she loves to do. I hope that one day people will be able to see my passion so evidently while I am doing something so simple as reading a book to some kids. I am so grateful to Cheri for teaching me in the classroom and more importantly in situations like yesterday. I will miss our talks, late nights at the office talking about...EVERYTHING, Tuesday evening dinners after class, and just being able to see you at a momence notice. She has become one of my closest friends!
The Sweet part about leavnig Searcy is the things I'm going to be moving toward. I'm about to have 2 brand new nephews, and I could not be more excited! I can't wait to hold them, love on them, and just be their aunt. I think the closest I've been to being an aunt (before Gloria's baby girl) is the Pirtle children. I cannot imagine loving any kids more than I love all 4 of them. I guess I'm about to find out. I know that being all the way across country from them is extremely hard. I don't want to try being even 7 hours away from Diane and Lori's baby. Gloria will be living in Melber for the next year so I will have the best of both worlds for atleast a year. Another sweet thing about moving is my new job. I have to admit - going to a new school with new people is a little scary but definitely exciting as well.

For your enjoyment, I've also included some pictures of mom and dad's cabin going up. The outside is done (minus the staining off the wood). It is beautiful. The staircase and fireplace are all put in (except the rock on the fire place). Come visit!