Wednesday, November 25, 2009

First of Many....

This morning (day 1 of Thanksgiving break) Diane brought Aaron over so I could keep him and Elijah while she and Lori went and got their hair cut. Matt was holding Eli while he was working so I got a cute daddy/son picture :) Before Lori and Diane left, Aaron and Elayna decided to have a "cousin moment". Eli was having some sleeping time. We'll definitely have some "all in" cousin time very soon! Enjoy the cute pictures cute babies!


Saturday, November 21, 2009

College Night

Since living here in Gallatin, God continues to bring people in my life that show me HIM! Teaching at Shafer has been such a blessing in countless ways, but one of those blessings that stands out to me is one of my co-workers that has become a great friend. She and I are "about" the same age and absolutely have the same philosophy of what seems to be everything. From teaching to religion, we always find ourselves being "on the same page". The cool thing is that I teach and Reading and she teaches English. We have almost all the same kids, so it has given us a great opportunity to work together in so many ways. Honestly, she reminds me of Diane in so many ways it's like having my sister right down the hall from me. Anyway, we started hanging out every Wednesday night. Sometimes just for fun and sometimes to do work. Although, many times we mix work with fun :) This past Wednesday we decided to take it back "old school" and have a "college day" so that we could get some paperwork finished for school. I wanted to take more pictures of us with our laptops, sitting on the couch, listening to music, and hard at work. BUT, since we were working so hard, we forgot to take any pictures of us and I only got pictures at the beginning of the night.....and it's only the snacks. Because, you HAVE to have snacks for your college night! Right? Natalie has been such a breathe of fresh air for me and a great friend! Enjoy the pictures :)

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Log Cabin

I thought I would put some pictures of my parents log cabin. I have gone home that past few weekends to help them work on the house and it seems like it changes so much every day now. Last weekend mom and I got a TON of the painting done. We just have the bathrooms and one of the bedrooms upstairs and it's finished. This past weekend I went back home and we planted all the "shrubbery" that she had gotten. We planted for 12 hours on Saturday, and then I grouted some of the tile in the kitchen all afternoon today (Sunday). I just did the places where the cabinets will go because he is coming on Tuesday. Needless to say, my hands have a few blisters and my body feels like I've been bent in funny positions....but it has totally been worth it! Mom and dad are so proud of the work we have gotten done :) Here are a few pictures of the house so far.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Best Picture

Last week, Diane and Aaron stopped by for a visit on their way to pick Mark up at the airport. We went to eat at a wings place and then stopped by Starbucks! While Diane was getting our coffee, I showed Aaron around so he could appreciate the finer things in life - COFFEE!!!! Here's a picture that we took together!