Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Reading with Ra Ra

Enjoy a short video of Aaron "reading". We had been "reading" for quite a while when Diane decided to get it on tape.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

I don't know!

Everybody: What do you want for Christmas?


I hate that question. Seriously, I have no idea what to tell you. Just get me something, and I will be REALLY excited and happy about it. I promise. Really, I'm not just saying that. I really have no idea what I want. I don't even know where to start.

Wait, I know. I need a new brain. How much does that cost?

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Buzzard and Puke

My mom and dad always used to tell me, "Don't get in a puking contest with a buzzard, because you're never going to win." Great advice. Let me break it down for you. Buzzards eat dead things and that would naturally make them very good at puking because dead things are gross. Since "you" don't eat dead things, “you” don't puke as often as a buzzard; therefore, the buzzard is ALWAYS the better puker. Translation: people who act childish and do things that are childish have lots of practice doing those childish things. They will ALWAYS be better than you at childish things, so don't stoop down to their level and participate. Somehow I thought that advice was restricted to middle school/high school. You might even be able to apply it to a FEW incidents in college, but those are few and far between and too complicated to be limited to the basic meaning because the older you get, the more mature people (and you) are supposed to get. Right? Could this actually be good advice for me as an adult?

Every once in a while, I'm the person I should be. Every once in a while, I choose the right thing. Every once in a while, I choose not to try to beat the buzzard at his own game.

For all the other times that aren’t the “once in a whiles”, I pray for my choices to be learning experiences, so maybe sometime those “once in a whiles” will be “sometimes” and maybe some day, “most of the times”.

The funny things is, I am just now realizing that sometimes I am the challenger in the contest, and sometimes I am the buzzard. Or maybe I am just now admitting it.

Thankfully, I have a God that is “EVERY TIME, ALL THE TIME.” He loves me, and He loves the buzzard, for he created both!

God, empty me of me so I can be filled with you. I don't want to be the buzzard, and I don't want to be "me" because neither one of those makes me "every time, all the time". I want and need YOU!

Empty Me by Chris Sligh

I've had just enough of the spotlight

When it burns bright

To see how it gets in the blood

And I've tasted my share

Of the sweet life

And the wild ride

And found a little is not quite enough

I know how i can stray

And how fast my heart could change

Empty me

Of the selfishness inside

Every vain ambition

And the poison of my pride

And any foolish thing my heart holds to

Lord empty me of me

So i can be

Filled with you

Ive seen just enough of the quick buys

Of the best lies

To know how prodigals can be drawn away

I know how I can stray

And how fast my heart could change

Empty me

Of the selfishness inside

Every vain ambition

And the poison of my pride

And any foolish thing my heart holds to

Lord empty me of me

So I can be

Filled with you

Cuz everything is a lesser thing

Compared to you

Compared to you

Cuz everything is a lesser thing

Compared to you

So I surrender all

Empty me

Of the selfishness inside

Every vain ambition

And the poison of my pride

Empty me

Of the selfishness inside

Every vain ambition

And the poison of my pride

And any foolish thing my heart holds to

Lord empty me of me

So I can be

Lord empty me of me

So I can be

Filled with you.

Filled with you

Empty me