Disclaimer: This post may be disturbing. Read at your own risk.
Would I have believed Hitler’s message? I realize that is a disturbing question.
Would I have believed the message of Jesus? That is equally disturbing for me.
I’ve often wondered what was so appealing about Adolf Hitler. Was he an eloquent speaker? Of course, my perspective and understanding of Hitler is created by the textbooks and “teaching” of America. My curiosity, however, is sparked by the people that followed him. The people that were attracted to him seemed to be educated, intelligent people. What about him was so attractive? Was his message so appealing that it was irresistible? If I had lived in Germany during the rising of Adolf Hitler, would I have believed his message of a pure race and superiority of my country? Why not? I will concede that I can’t imagine condoning the way he carried out his plan (death camps, world domination), but again, if that was my paradigm, why not? Obviously, there were Germans that disagreed with Hitler. Maybe that would have been me. Am I so arrogant to think that America is exempt and immune to the desire of world domination? Wait, isn’t America a world power? All of a sudden parts of America that stink of racism, stereotyping, and prejudice flood my thoughts. Again, what made Hitler’s message so believable to so many people? What makes America’s view of superiority so appealing? He is such a monumental figure in the history of the world. I am always intrigued by people who have so much power, others would give their life to protect or defeat the source of that power.
Would I have believed the message of Jesus? This question is somewhat different than the previous question. The above thoughts about Adolf Hitler stem from a “what if” situation due to the fact that I never have believed the message of Adolf Hitler. This next question finds its origin in a belief that already exists. If I had lived during the time of Jesus, would I have believed and followed him, or would I have resisted him? My question cannot be: what makes the message of Jesus attractive? I am already attracted. The question, then, is would I have still believed if I didn’t know the whole story. The followers of Jesus were mostly poor, uneducated, and hurt. Their lives were a mess. Not only did these people follow Him, but they seemed to seek him out every where he went, and HE looked for them. The people he rebuked and corrected, the educated and powerful, didn’t even know they didn’t get it. Again, would I have believed the message of Jesus? Honestly, it looks like a disturbing message.
“Come live with me. We’re going to go around and make a ton of people mad by explaining who God really is, do some miracles, make you question EVERYTHING you believe in, and get really close to each other. You will be confused by almost everything I say and miss the point most of the time. Then, I’m going to be murdered by the people we made mad; I’ll come back to life, and then leave again. You will won’t get it. Don’t worry because after I leave you for the second time, an invisible spirit will come and be with you. I’ll be back, but I’m not sure when. Keep telling other people about how much I love them, and treat them like I would if I was there. Meet with other people that believe in me and learn more about me by reading the scriptures that the educated people I rebuked always read but never understood. Good luck. Pray like I did. Be good.” - Jesus
I don’t write that to be disrespectful. It just seems messed up. I really want to say I would have believed in the message of Jesus no matter when I was born. One thing I am positive of: if what I just typed was the story of Jesus and was his message, I would not have believed. There has to be more.....and I think there is.
Stay tuned...