Today, I had my first Coke since I arrived on the continent of Africa. I had decided to not drink coke when I got here because of two reasons: 1 - while not individually expensive, it can become quite a costly habit, 2 - I wasn't sure if I could get it in Kara and I didn't want to get into the habit. I thought, I'm putting my body through so much already, what's the deprivation of coke gonna hurt. For the most part, it hasn't been that bad. Actually, I drink about 3 liters of water everyday because it is so dry here you don't want anything else. Little did I know my body had more in mind. When I opened the bottle of Coke I could feel a little "tingling" in my jaw. I would say that is a sign of addiction...what do you think? Anyway, it was so sweet that it gave me a small stomach ache, and I didn't even drink it that fast. Sad...just sad. I know what you Coke drinkers are thinking, but you know what, move to Africa. Then you can have an opinion. Just kidding. I hope that this little experience puts a smile on your face. I have included a picture for your enjoyment! :)
Now if they only had Red's Donuts you would be set. Keeping you in our prayers.
Kent and Andrea
Now make that a mt. dew instead of a coke and well...i'm set. I guess my blog name fails in comparison to yours...or what it could be. Hope all is well there.
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