Ok - so today at school I definitely did not bring my "A" game. More than likely it wasn't my "B" or "C" game either. Which, you know...you win some and you lose some. Thing is, everyone gets to have a bad day at work now and then. I think it keeps me humble and also is a reason to keep trying really hard. Anyway, so having a bad day stinks, especially in teaching because then your kids suffer. Well, it stinks even worse when you are having a bad day, your kids forgot to bring their brains to school, AND your reading coach decides to come in and watch you teach. For those of you who don't know...at my school, at any time during the day any number of people can walk in my room and usually they are caring a clip board to keep a check and make sure I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing. SO, all three of those things combined make for a pretty rotten day at school.
Getting to the title of this post:
I got home tonight, after a meeting at school, and sat down on my couch completely depressed. I was flipping through the TV channels and after watching the wipe out election, I stumbled upon the movie Rocky II. I watched it for a few minutes and was immediately inspired to "be a better person" and "never give up". I'm pretty sure that the writers of this show placed those messages throughout the movie secretly so that whoever watched it would be brainwashed into thinking they could overcome anything. Conspiracy Theory? Guess it worked. Exhibit-A. MOI!
Getting to the title of this post:
I got home tonight, after a meeting at school, and sat down on my couch completely depressed. I was flipping through the TV channels and after watching the wipe out election, I stumbled upon the movie Rocky II. I watched it for a few minutes and was immediately inspired to "be a better person" and "never give up". I'm pretty sure that the writers of this show placed those messages throughout the movie secretly so that whoever watched it would be brainwashed into thinking they could overcome anything. Conspiracy Theory? Guess it worked. Exhibit-A. MOI!
I'm glad you benefitted from Rocky. I'm sure Tanya agrees too...aren't those her favorite movies?
Yes Tanya does agree...I'm glad someone else out there appreciates the motivational power of "ROCKY!"
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