Thursday, July 9, 2009

Deployed, Packed, Ready to Go...

Today marks a different kind of day. Ryan left early this morning. Gloria and I have the "container" all packed and ready for storage. We're finishing up some last minute things and then we're taking off in the morning. It seems like things are in slow motion right now - especially for Gloria. Acutally the day is going about like we thought it would. Very sad and full of emotion but she seems to be taking it in much as you can when your husband leaves for a year to go to "work". She is keeping herself busy with packing and taking care of her daughter. Elayna keeps saying "dada, dada, dada" over and over again. Which is probably a unconcious thing for her since she is just learning her sounds right now, but it is always followed up by Gloria saying, "Could we come up with a different word for right now". Very cute but gut-wrenching at the same time. I would say both are doing well and staying busy.

Last night, Ryan wanted to take Elayna swimming. It was her first time swimming and he didn't want to miss it. I have posted some pictures for your enjoyment. My next post will be while we are "on the road" so stayed tuned.

1 comment:

Tanya said...

Thanks for stopping...luf you.