I love the market! We went there at 9am this morning, Becky, Elijah, Hannah and I. (that's 2 of her kids). Anyway, so we get there...and I've been there before but I was so - not with it then. Everything was so overwhelming and I didn't know what to think. I was still overwhlemed today, but alteast I was able to think this time. I actually bought some stuff. I got some presents for my brother and brother in-law. I already knew what I was looking for and found them. I also got fabric for a pangea (it's like a wrap skirt that is really easy to take on and off). Very Afrian. One is a blue/white kinda star-like pattern and one is a ty-dye purple and green. I also got a little "purse" type thing to use...because I can't ever figure out where to put things if I don't have pockets. :) I found this guy that makes all sorts of wood and basket things so I'll probably get a lot of presents from him. The prices are reasonable, and I like what he has there.

So, the market is like...picture a parking garage, 2 stories, people everywhere with their little stands selling things, other venders walking around selling you stuff. That's just inside. Outside the building is twice as many people and venders on the side of the street on a very busy road - with cars and motos EVERYWHERE! I have learned that "the market" is kinda just a designated area of town that everyone comes to try and sell you what they have. On the first floor, inside, is the "food" section. I still can't get the smell of dried fish and butchered meat out of my nose. I can barely breath in that section. Actually, I have to hold my breath a lot! On Market day there is blood and meat flying everywhere cause it's so busy, that's what they tell me - I have yet to experience it. Market days are Tues. and Sat. Anyway, so first we stopped at the fabric guy on the second floor. He was very nice and gave me a good price. Then, we walked downstairs and outside to look for a bag/purse type thing. I found one I liked so we talked to the guy who was selling it. He doubled his price right off when he saw I was white so we offered him 1/2 his price. He came back with something more reasonable but I still didn't want to pay that much, so I told him I'd think about it. Then he came down even more. I payed like 2 bucks for it. Well, I didn't have exact change so when his "friend" was giving me my change he tried to give me the wrong amount. I laughed and asked him if he was playing with me. He laughed and handed me the correct change. Becky had gone on ahead so it was a great confidence builder for me. We then moved out to the road and looked at different things there. She took me to the wood guy and I looked in his store. I will be visiting that place more often. He was a good guy and treated me well. I took a few pictures while I was there. The first one is looking down from the second floor of the building onto a part of the venders. The other one is one of the streets that is included in "the market" by our car.
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