Today is an excellent day. I have had two new, great experiences in Africa. First, I got my dog. He is an almost 3 month old German Shepard puppy (see Picture). I have named him
Togolese Phillips. Togo for short. A name quite fitting especially when I bring him back home with me! He is absolutely gorgeous! We had our first night last night and he did great. He slept the whole way through the night. He is still very new to the potty training thing but he's getting better! He is a great help for my loneliness! I am so greatful to have him! Currently, he is knocked out on the floor at my feet. He likes to sit under my desk and sleep while I play on the computer.

Second, I went to the village of Bodowdaa (Boe Doe da). The church there is struggling a great deal and David preached a great lesson to encourage them. After worship, they asked us to eat with them.
We ate this mush-type stuff with some sauce (very spicy). You are suposed to take some of the mush off the plate with your fingers and dip it in the sauce. Very messy! The mush was the consisitancy of Cream-of-Wheat, and I have no idea how to describe the sauce except that it looked like melted butter with little floaties. The mush was actually quite bland but the sauce helped to give it flavor. It was pretty spicy though. Dave said it wasn't as spicy has normal so I was thankful. Anyway, a few things I have learned. 1. They leave you alone to eat. They do not eat at the "table" with you. 2. The men and women eat separate. 3. The men are served first, then the women, then the children. There is a definite pecking order.

I have included a picture of "Togo", the food that we ate in the village and a picture of the village.
1 comment:
I think your blog dates (when it says you posted) are a little messed, as we had Togo here yesterday and it says you posted that on the..5th! hehe, he's a cutie! Hows he doing? He wasn't shy at all with Snickers and honestly I don't think she liked him that much because he ignored her (she thinks she's the higest queen of But I want to see him (and you!) again soon! :D:D
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