Tomorrow I will be back in the United States. I am really excited. Slightly nervous and very anxious but definitely excited! We arrived back in Accra on Monday night. Saturday was the last day of school and then we had a promotion for the kids on Sunday night. It was so much fun to hear the kids read what they had prepared for the promotion. Isaac and Hannah both read from their writer's notebooks. I was so proud! I stayed at the Emerson's house Sunday night. Brett and I left Kara at 6am on Monday morning and got down to Accra in pretty good time - especially seeing as we stopped in Kpalime at the Blind Center to look at their wood shop.
On Tuesday we went back to the Artisan Market and I got a few more things I needed to get. The picture you see is of the men who made a braclet for me:) The Miller's arrived Tuesday night. It is so good to see them again and spend some time with them actually IN Africa. I spent some time with them in Searcy before I left but seeing them here makes things feel so complete. Tonight is my last night in Africa. I leave for the airport at 6:00am tomorrow morning. That should give me plently of time to get my stuff takenc are of and send a few e-mails before I board my plane. Please pray that everything goes smoothly with my flight here in Accra and also on my flight out of JFK. :) I can't wait to see everyone!!! See you on the other side of the ocean!