Friday, May 11, 2007

Togo - the dog

Ok - well, sad news. While in Accra, we went by Delta to check on things for bringing Togo back to the states with me. Turns out, there is a embargo on pets entering the U.S. from May 15-Sept. 5th. Which means, Togo can't come with me. They say it is for heat and the "safety of you pets". I'm not sure what that is suposed to mean - do they know he LIVES in more heat then they can ever imagine. Anyway, we exhusted all the options including trying to ship him. No luck. It would have been over $1000 to ship him. I love him but I cannot see spending that much money for a dog. Anyway, the Emerson's have agreed to keep him at their house. I am going to try to talk some gulable couple that comes to visit into bringing him back with them later in the year. I will just pray that it will be possible at some point. I'm sure he will be so happy with the Emerson's though. He loves Caden, and they will get along great. I will miss him but he will be in good hands!

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