Today Brett, April, Caden, and I went to the Artisan Market in Accra. I had so much fun! Basically, it a huge market area
(like the other markets) only it's for the "arts". There was so much stuff there I didn't know where to begin. We arrived there at about 11:00am and only spent 1 hour. The time absolutely flew by. I got so much stuff for such a cheap price. I got a lot of presents for people (still many more to get). Since they speak English, I bartered with them over so many things. It was a blast talking with them. It's so great because you can be sooooo overdramatic and it's ok and exactly what you are suposed to do. You just have to remember that your starting offer is 1/2 of what they want you to pay. Then you go from there. You approach something with a price in mind and you talk with them until one of you gives in. The idea is for them to give in to you but sometimes that doesn't quite work. They all speak a "broken" English. Everything is simplified and articulated. I get in the rut of talking that way and sometimes I forget that I can talk "normal". I had a blast. Togo works the same way only it's all in French which, if you've heard me speak French, it doesn't go well. Anyway, I will be going back there before I come home and getting the rest of my gifts. The picture is of me trying to "talk" about a price for the things I want to buy.

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